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2 posts tagged with "graphql"

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Working with different ids through the application

· 5 min read
Pedro Arantes
CTO | Product Developer

An entity can have different ids through the application, from database to the frontend. For example, a user can have an id in the database, another id in the frontend because the GraphQL Global Object Identification Specification that Relay specifies. And that is because the concept of node in in a cursor-based pagination that we need to have these different ids.

Avoiding Re-render on Pagination with Relay

· 10 min read
Rayza Oliveira
Software Engineering

Introduction to Relay

In a world where efficiency and performance of web applications are crucial, Relay emerges as a powerful solution for data management in React applications. Developed by Facebook, Relay is a JavaScript library that provides a robust abstraction layer over GraphQL, a popular data query language. The main goal of Relay is to facilitate the construction of client applications that interact with GraphQL APIs in an efficient and scalable manner.