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Core Typography

Font Type

Name Pattern: core.fonts.brand.{type}

TypeDescriptionName Pattern
mainMain texts font with accessibility for extensive readings.core.fonts.brand.main
contrastFont that contrast the main, have a visual differentiation when used together. They are used in combination to create a cohesive or visual hierarchy, yet dynamic look and feel.core.fonts.brand.contrast
monospaceMonospaced font to be used when needed.core.fonts.brand.monospace
webSafePre-installed on most operating systems, it replaces other fonts if they are not available.core.fonts.brand.webSafe
decorativeFont for visual decoration to add visual interest and personality. It is not suitable for elements that require a lot of reading.core.fonts.brand.decorative
logoFont used in the brand logo, if any.core.fonts.brand.logo
{customType}You could create new types as needed, the requirement is to keep it at a low abstraction level.core.fonts.brand.{customType}

Font Style

Name Pattern: core.fonts.{fontStyle}.{variation}

Font StyleVariationsName Pattern Examples
fontWeightthin, extraLight, light, regular, medium, semiBold, bold, extraBold, blackcore.fonts.fontWeight.regular: 400 900
fontSize{n}xs, 2xs, xs, sm, base, lg, xl, 2xl, {n}xlcore.fonts.fontSize.base: 16px
core.fonts.fontSize.lg: 21px
core.fonts.fontSize.xl: 28px
letterSpacingtighter, tight, regular, wide, wider, widestcore.fonts.letterSpacing.regular: 0em
core.fonts.letterSpacing.wide: 0.05em
lineHeight{n}xs, 2xs, xs, sm, base, lg, xl, 2xl, {n}xlcore.fonts.lineHeight.base: 1.5em
core.fonts.lineHeight.xl: 2em
paragraphSpacing{n}xs, 2xs, xs, sm, base, lg, xl, 2xl, {n}xlcore.fonts.paragraphSpacing.base: 16px
core.fonts.paragraphSpacing.lg: 2em
wordSpacing{n}xs, 2xs, xs, sm, base, lg, xl, 2xl, {n}xlcore.fonts.wordSpacing.base: 0em
core.fonts.wordSpacing.lg: 1.25em
textDecorationoverline, lineThrough, underline, overlineUnderlinecore.fonts.textDecoration.underline: underline