This package provides re-exports utilities for testing using Jest.
Installing the Package
We suggest installing the package at the root of your project:
pnpm add -D @ttoss/test-utils
Using the Package
Matchers and Helpers
add the following matchers to Jest:
- @testing-library/jest-dom: custom matchers to test the state of the DOM.
- @emotion/jest: custom matchers to make more explicit assertions when testing libraries that use emotion.
If you use jsdom
, you don't need to install jest-environment-jsdom
, because the library already includes it.
React Testing Library
re-exports everything from @testing-library/react, like act
, screen
, and render
If you want to set options to every test, you can use setOptions
on Jest setup function. This way, all render
calls will use the same default options, unless you override them.
import { setOptions } from '@ttoss/test-utils';
import AllProviders from './paht/to/AllProviders';
* Add global wrapper to React Testing Library `customRender`.
setOptions({ wrapper: AllProviders });
User Interactions
re-exports userEvent
from user event library.
For example, you write your tests like this:
import { render, screen, userEvent } from '@ttoss/test-utils';
import Component from './Component';
test('test with render', async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup();
render(<Component />);
await user.click(screen.getByText('Increment'));
Testing Hooks
re-exports renderHook
from react-hooks-testing-library.
import { renderHook } from '@ttoss/test-utils';
import useCounter from './useCounter';
test('should use counter', () => {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useCounter());
expect(typeof result.current.increment).toBe('function');
The setOptions
also works for renderHook
It re-exports createMockEnvironment
and MockPayloadGenerator
from Relay test utils.
import {
} from '@ttoss/test-utils/relay';
// ...
It exports faker
functions from faker. Example:
import { faker } from '@ttoss/test-utils/faker';
const randomName = faker.name.findName();
const randomEmail = faker.internet.email();
const randomCard = faker.helpers.createCard();
User Event
To render components it is recommended that you use a structure similar to the one below. If you need more information about this structure, you can consult this link here.
function setup(jsx: any) {
return {
user: userEvent.setup({
// Use this key if you need to make async tests, like having clicks, write, paste, etc...
// ref: https://testing-library.com/docs/user-event/options
advanceTimers: () => Promise.resolve(),
const onOpen = js.fn();
test('Testing something', async () => {
const { user } = setup(<Example onOpen={onOpen} />);
const buttonMenu = screen.getByLabelText('button-menu');
await user.click(buttonMenu);